Note from Frolic: In this installment of Avery Flynn’s Book Nerdery series she will be interviewing the fascinating V. Vee all about her new book Kyra: The Irishman’s Daughter, out January 30th!
About the Author:
Vee is just another one of the pennames of USA TODAY and International Bestselling and Award-Winning author V. A. Bailey who also writes under the names: Leyah, Veronica Victorian, V. Alex, Alexandra Bailey, Vicktor Alexander, and Vee Bailey. One of 9 different pennames used by the author, V. Vee is the one dedicated to bringing to life the love between men and women in interracial, multicultural, and non-traditional relationships. From princes falling in love with women of different classes and races, to women in power falling in love with the men committed to serving them, V. Vee is sure to live up to the creed: Mixing sexiness, romance, and equality to create true love.
A single parent, disabled veteran, and a child of veterans, V. Vee has lived all over the US nation, and even Cuba,but V’s favorite place is with “Papi” who is the man who helped V. Vee once again believe in the heart-pounding, breath-stealing, legs-shaking, never-ending true love that V. Vee writes about. Really, any place is fine as long as it’s not Florida. Find her here:
Kyra: The Irishman’s Wife by V. Vee, out Jan. 30th!
Kyra Bahmer was raised to be smart. Calculating. Observant. Beautiful.
From a young age she was raised and trained to take over as the Boss of Baltimore after her grandmother. She knew all of the secrets of her city. Of her state. Of the nation. And had a hand in many of them.
Even after marrying Andrew McCarthy, The Irishman, Kyra thought she knew it all.
Until the letters started showing up.
Then the bodies. Left right on their doorstep.
Then the threats against her husband and children started.
And THAT was where they crossed the line.
And that was when The Boss of Baltimore had to make her presence known, even scaring her mob boss husband.
But she would get her answers. She would get her revenge.
She would make the streets of Baltimore run red with blood for the insult and threat to what belonged to her.
Because everyone was afraid of The Irishman…
Until they met his wife.