Life Lessons Learned from Rom Coms // Frolic Podcast of the Week: Couple’s Talking Couples


[Note from Frolic: We are so excited to bring you this new series: Frolic Podcast of the Week! Each week, we’ll ask one of our great podcasters to share a bit about themselves. Up next, we have Ryan and Ashley from Couple’s Talking Couples. They’re sharing some life lessons learned from the many rom coms they’ve watched. Take it away!]

Having watched and analyzed nearly 100 romances, specifically romcoms, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to live! It’s ALWAYS a good idea to live your life according to a blithe romance, and lucky for you, we’ve written up the top lessons. Here are the top three things that Ryan and I (the real life couple from the podcast COUPLE’S TALKING COUPLES) learned about life from Rom Coms.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid of a Scheme– How many of us have benefitted from a Shakespearen-esque scheme? The answer is probably not nearly enough but RomComs are benefitting from these schemes ALL. THE. TIME! Need a date? Just hire a fake boyfriend, that farce will probably become fate! Sick of being you? Pretend to be someone else! Someone will be bound to fall in love with the fake you. Friends struggling at love? Play Cupid and make the person of their dreams fall into their lap. These schemes will ALWAYS work out. Just note, you may have to have an uncomfortable conversation about said scheme at some point, but don’t fear. It’s the emotional low point that has to happen before the rewarding resolution. 
  2. Miscommunication is Key– Relationships are hard, especially when you are first falling in love. It’s important to always jump to quick conclusions when you overhear someone say something and whatever you do, do NOT ask them about it or allow them to explain themselves. Just storm away really angrily and tell them something super vague and rude. This anger is uncomfortable but don’t worry, you’ll quickly discover that you misheard or were wrong! The person you love is who you thought they were all along!!! Sweet relief! The one downside to this is that person *might* be upset with you for how you behaved but don’t worry, apologize and your love will power through.
  3. It’s Not Too Late– Make a decision you regret? Did you not fight hard enough for your love? Did you not even tell them you loved them?! Well good news, it’s not too late!! Even if they are boarding a plane or are on a plane, you can always make a mad dash to that airport, buy a plane ticket and make your way to the terminal to tell your truth! Love of your life marrying someone else? Get to that chapel!!!! Spill your guts out in front of everyone. This is bound to get your love’s attention and will in no way be embarrassing. Although both of these scenarios typically work out for the best, there are risks involved when you publicly declare yourself. If your love reacts badly, give them time. They will most likely come around when they don’t have hundreds of people staring at them. 

Bonus Lesson: Always Consider Marrying the Prince– We’ve all been there, you are secretly in love with someone who never noticed you before, when suddenly a prince shows up and thinks you’re the greatest thing since string cheese! All of a sudden the guy you really love is now noticing you, but the prince wants to make you his princess— WHAT DO YOU DO?! Well, obviously you follow your heart and marry who you love but just know, you have to at least CONSIDER, marrying the prince… because DUH! 

COUPLE’S TALKING COUPLES, is a podcast that does not need to be listened to in any order. We recommend looking through our episodes and finding a movie you love (or hate) and enjoy our strange take on them. Some of our favorite episodes include: MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and our episode this week, THE LITTLE MERMAID is a lot of fun. 

Check out Couple’s Talking Couples wherever you get your podcasts!


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