Have you ever wondered which Rose from Schitt’s Creek you are? Wonder no more!
- Question of
You’re staying in today. What are you wearing?
- Sweats, duh!
- Only the best. Who knows who might stop by?
- A suit. I don’t own anything else.
- Staying in? As if!
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You’re planning the perfect date night. What is it?
- Something where everyone can see how glamorous I look.
- Anything, if it’s with the person I love!
- Dinner at a glitzy restaurant.
- A spa day.
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You’re a romance protagonist. What job do you have?
- Small business owner
- Actress
- Publicist
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It’s cheat day! What dessert are you eating?
- Cheesecake
- Brownies
- Macarons
- Chocolate Mousse
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Which social media platform are you on constantly?
- Instagram
- Twitter
- Pinterest
- What’s a social media?
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Which item can’t you live without?
- Moisturizer
- My phone
- My clothes
- My glasses
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What are you reading?
- A fashion blog
- An erotic novel
- Something educational
- My Twitter Feed