It’s no secret. We are all busy these days. Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a full-time student or work full-time, finding the time for things you enjoy can be difficult. My days typically begin with my alarm clock going off at 4:45 in the morning and consist of go, go go until about 9 at night. Despite how crazy busy my days are, I’ve read more in the past two years than I ever have. In 2019, I have already read over 100 books, which I’m patting myself on the back for. The number confirms that I have made myself a priority this year. I have found the time to dedicate to something I’m passionate about and enjoy. So I wanted to share what has worked for me, in the hope that maybe it’ll give you some tips for increasing your reading and achieving whatever reading goal you’ve set for yourself. Here goes.
The first tip is a classic one that I have actually seen a few times, once upon a time, when I really wanted to squeeze more out of the day and get more reading done but was a little unclear on how. That tip is, to always have a book with you. This may look different for everyone, depending on preference. Personally, I have the Kindle App on my phone, the Audible App, Scribd and the Overdrive App. As long as I have my phone with me, I have access to one of my current reads. If I have an appointment or something that may have me sitting in wait for a few minutes, I may bring a physical book with me. I may only wait for 10 or so minutes, but that’s 10 minutes of reading I can sneak in!
Audiobooks have also been a very big help with increasing my reading. I listen to my current audiobook in the morning as I’m brushing my teeth and getting dressed, and during my commute to work and during quiet moments at work. I listen while making dinner and while cleaning up. Audiobooks are so convenient because you can fit them into your day to day routine in so many ways.
Next, I don’t waste any time on a book I’m not enjoying. You decide what your mark is for putting down a book, but I usually know within 50 pages if I’m in it for the long haul or not. If it’s a book I’m not enjoying, I remind myself that all the time I dedicate to that book is time I could be dedicating to a book that may be my new favorite. I will set daily goals for myself. This is one that is a constant work in progress and can look different but I try very hard to stick to. I will either set a goal to read at least 30 minutes before I go to bed, or I will read in 50 page increments. If I have the physical copy of the book, I will place tabs or post it notes every 50 pages and those 50 pages are what I have to read at a minimum every day until I have the book finished. Not only is this helping me reach my reading goal for the year but it’s also holding me accountable for making sure I carve out time for myself to get reading done.
Lastly, I keep myself excited about reading. I refuse to allow myself to drift into a reading slump. I have entirely too many books on my shelf and checked out from the library to fall into the mood of not wanting to read. I keep it exciting and fun because I may be that much closer to reading a new favorite book. When I need help boosting my excitement, I will binge through my favorite romance bookish podcasts, watch Youtube videos created by romance readers or peruse the internet for new to me romance blogs to read through. Never underestimate the power of seeing someone else fangirl about the romance they recently read. It can be so addicting.
I hope these tips are helpful to you or someone you know who is wanting to squeeze a bit more reading into their routine or wow themselves at how many books they managed to read at the end of the year. Good luck and Happy Reading!