Note from Frolic: In this installment of Avery Flynn’s Book Nerdery series she will be interviewing the talented Nalini Singh all about her new novel Wolf Rain, which is out now!
Wolf Rain by Nalini Singh
Kidnapped as a young girl, her psychic powers harnessed by a madman, Memory lives a caged and isolated existence…until she comes face-to-face with a wolf. Labelled an empath by her bad-tempered rescuer, Memory knows that her ‘gift’ is nothing so bright. It is a terrible darkness that means she will always be hunted.
But Memory is free now and she intends to live. A certain growly wolf can just deal with it.
Alexei prefers to keep his packmates at bay, the bleak history of his family a constant reminder that mating, love, hope is not for him. But Memory, this defiant and fearless woman who stands toe-to-toe with him awakens the most primal part of his nature–and soon, he must make a choice: risk everything or lose Memory to a murderous darkness that wants to annihilate her from existence…