What to Read

April Horoscopes and Book Recs

What do the literary stars have in store for you? Check out your April horoscope!

Aries (March 21- April 19) 

If there’s one thing you’re very good at, it’s being honest. Maybe you’re a little too honest with some people and maybe you’re not honest enough with yourself. Take that into consideration this month and read the situation before giving your honest opinion on whatever it is. You take the initiative and assume the leadership role in pretty much everything you do, whether or not you’re ask to do so, but letting someone else take the lead on a project or two might just let you see the world in a new light, and with different ideas. With your love life, not everything has to be a challenge. While challenges can be fun and rewarding, if something in your love life seems like you are constantly getting challenged and not in a good way, I think it’s time to unleash your inner honest goddess and tell the person or people in your life what you really think. 

Book Recommendation: Black Sheep by Meghan March

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Atelophobia is the deep fear of not being good enough and doing everything wrong. This is a stressful time for all of us, but don’t let this time lead you down a path of self-destruction and burning out. Find your new balance, make some simple lists and take it one day at a time. You are the stable one in your family and friends’ life, but you also need someone to lay your head on when life gets to be too much. This is the right time to have that heart to heart with your significant other, or with that special person you hope to have in your life.

Book Recommendation: Get Life, Chloe Brown: A Novel by Talia Hibbert (The Brown Sisters Book 1)

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

So I know you might be freaking out a little more than normal right now, and you know what? That’s okay. Change isn’t the easiest and being confined to one space is probably a living nightmare for you. Take a deep breath and remember that this isn’t forever. This is the perfect time to do your rainy-day crafts or start conquering your reading list. There are plenty of online book clubs that you can join so you have others to talk to about what you are reading. You aren’t alone in your feelings, keep that in mind. This restlessness will pass, so don’t pick fights with those who you love and care about just because.

Book Recommendation: Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Your family and home are your number one priority right now, whether it’s helping with homeschooling, helping others in your family by getting groceries and maybe getting some projects done around the house that just need to be done. This is something that you will excel at and are very good at. You like staying home and doing things at home, helping others is second nature to you. Cancer, all in all, you’ve got this! Remember that this time at home is a walk, not a sprint, don’t get worn out and remember to always be safe. This is also the time to start doing small things with your partner, like cooking together, putting puzzles together or planning movie date nights. Small things don’t seem like much but when was the last time you were able to have an impromptu date night in the middle of the week? 

Book Recommendation: Life and Other Near-Death Experiences by Camille Pagán 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Listen up Leo, people aren’t ignoring you, the world is kind of on fire and it has nothing to do with you! Stop acting like a spoiled person and start facing reality. Put that creative brain of yours to use and start doing something other than watching Netflix and looking on social media all day. I’m sure you have a list of things you wanted to get done if only you had the time to do them, well get that list out and just do one a day. Who knows: maybe by the end of the month, you’ll have completed everything on your list. This is the time when you work on being by yourself, it’s okay to be nervous or even a little scared of being lonely, but when you do things for yourself and not have someone else do them, there is a great feeling of accomplishment that goes with that! Figure out who you really are and what your real needs in life are.

Book Recommendation: Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Take a break, sit down, don’t do anything for like an hour. I say this because you are probably doing three million things at once and you are more than likely driving everyone you live with a little crazy. Yes, I understand that this is the perfect time to deep clean and reorganize everything in your house, or paint that one wall, or even clean the grout in the bathroom. But you also really need to stop once in a while and just sit. If that means you take an hour-long shower, read an entire book in one sitting or even look on social media for an hour, just do it. The non-visible mess that is your space will still be there, but really there is only so much cleaning one can do. Take up a hobby or pick up a hobby that you started once but never really got the time to do.

Book Recommendations: The Princess Bride by William Goldman 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Right now you are a glass half full half empty type of person. You can sway either way depending on how you feel, and right now you should be looking on the positive side of things. Yes, the world is in chaos, but look at the weirdly good things that have also come out of it. Focus on that, and other positive things that have happened to you this year. I know you are a social butterfly, but have a zoom dinner party with your friends, and family, or have happy hour over the phone with your bestie. There are different ways to be social and you having that positive attitude won’t just help your peace of mind, but it’ll also bring some comfort to others! This is also a great time to remember why having your best friend as your significant other is the best thing in the world, hang out together in any way you can and enjoy each other!

Book Recommendation: Night Hawk by Beverly Jenkins

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This is your time to shine Scorpio, you are a born leader! You find any situation that has a problem and you are able to find a solution to fix it! You keep your cool and calm. Right now, everyone needs a Scorpio in their life to remind them that this too will pass. Remember though that everyone shows fear and anxiety differently, so if someone is snappy with you don’t take it too personally. This is also a great time for your love life, if you and your significant other are home together, now is the time to get creative with your bedroom life. Communication inside and outside of the bedroom is both needed and essential to having a healthy relationship. 

Book Recommendation: The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Now is the perfect time to start writing that book you’ve always wanted to write, start getting those ideas that are in your head and put them down on paper. Don’t be discouraged if the actual writing doesn’t start right away, or if you start writing and find errors, do you think all writers just sat down and wrote the perfect book in one go? This takes time and patience, which is something you know you need to work on anyways. Get whatever thoughts and feelings are in your head down on paper, whatever you do just don’t give up. On that note, now is NOT the time to break off any relationships. Everyone is stressed and if things are starting to get too difficult don’t cut them loose, give some slack and practice your patience. 

Book Recommendation: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

It’s okay to be enjoying the self-isolation rather than being with others. There’s a lot of guilt going around right now, but secretly enjoying this quarantine is 10000% okay and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. You’re fantastic at self-control so you won’t eat all the snacks or eat ice cream for breakfast, you are also great at time management so if you’re tasked with working from home and helping kids with schoolwork there is no doubt that you got this. All in all, you probably aren’t stressing that much and for that I applaud you! Just remember to check in with your family and friends to make sure that they are doing okay, while you might be doing just fine, others in your life might not be.

Book Recommendation: The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Zoom or whatever other things that allow you to see your friends is going to be your best friend right now. While you are independent and are probably okay with just staying at home, I know that you would rather be with your friends.There are ways you can connect with your family and friends, watch a show together and then skype (or whatever the kids have these days) and then talk about it! Memes and other jokes are also going to save your sanity, and it’s really okay that your phone is filled with meme photos or photos ready to be made into memes. If you are home with your partner, this is the perfect time to bust out the board games or puzzles, keep yourself entertained but also know that it’s okay to simply do nothing, this isn’t forever, this is just for now. 

Book Recommendation: The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You’re a naturally empathic person so when those you love are hurting, you take that hurt personally and try your hardest to take it away, even if it leaves you with heavy feelings. Right now is not the best time for you to be watching the news, have a go to person who keeps you up to date on things that you do need to know and that’s it. Your desire to escape reality is probably at its highest. Start creating whatever it is you create. If you are home with children or partners, teach them what your art is, you never know who will like doing it with you and then you’ll have an art buddy for life! When you are feeling stressed talk it out, talk to your partner, friends, family, or even your pet, just get it off your chest! 

Book Recommendation: Ink: A Love Story on 7th and Main by Elizabeth Hunter

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Melissa Haskins

Melissa Haskins is a stay at home mom to twins boys, another baby boy, and a patient wife. While being a mom and wife is a 24/7 job on its own, she is also the creator and host of the weekly podcast Paperback Romance Book Club; a romance book podcast that not only reviews books but likes to point out how the ever-changing genre is still relevant in today’s topics. Melissa is also an unapologetic coffee addict, has a weakness for a man in a kilt, and an avid taco lover. You can find Melissa on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as her blog Paperback Romance Book Club The Blog.

Published by
Melissa Haskins

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