
How to Cure Your Book Hangover

You’ve just finished what you swear is the best book of all time. There are no new installments, and you have no one to discuss your current read with! Now what? 

If you’re anything like me, then you tend to read books at supersonic speed then wallow in regret after not savouring every moment. While we’re conquering our TBR (to-be read) lists, there are some stories that we just aren’t ready to let go of, and why should we? 

Reading isn’t just the act of retaining information and maybe leaving with some cliche moral lesson on how not to be greedy. Reading is a way to escape, to connect, and to find adventure. 

So, if you’re looking to elevate your reading experience, and cure that inevitable book hangover check out these five tips that’ll fulfill your fangirl heart. 

1. Write Fanfiction

There are a number of skill-based perks to writing fanfiction, but the biggest perk of all is being able to modify or continue the story that you just finished reading. Don’t like the ending of the book you just finished? Write fanfiction. Did the ship you were rooting for fall through? Write fanfiction. Did your favorite character just meet their demise and you’re in pieces about it? Write fanfiction. 

Fanfiction is a great way to work through all those fangirl/fanboy emotions while strengthening your writing and reading comprehension skills. Fanfiction is a broad medium that includes AUs (alternate universes), self-inserts (where you add your own characters or yourself), and even one-shots (short stories about a particular fandom, ship, or set of characters). 

Feel free to write without rules and share your stories to websites such as Wattpad or Archive of Our Own!

2. Make Character Playlists

Have you ever fallen head over heels in love with a character from one of your favorite author’s novels? Maybe you found a book character who you want to be your best friend, or maybe you found an OTP to die for! 

Making playlists for characterss or ships is a creative way to grasp a further understanding of your favorite characters, and is a great way to explore new music! Just grab a handful of songs, and get started! 

3. Make Aesthetics/Edits/Pinterest Boards/Artwork

Another way for you to better understand and live your reading fantasies is to get those artistic veins moving! Not only is creating fan art or Pinterest boards a great way to visualize worlds and characters, but authors and fellow fans love seeing them! If writing isn’t your thing, then maybe you could break out those watercolors and create a map of Red London from A Darker Shade of Magic. Log onto Tumblr and create an aesthetic Hogwarts gif set! Fans love seeing fellow fans’ work, and you may just make few friends in the process! 

4. Create a fan account on Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram.

The easiest way to get involved with a fandom is to hit the internet and find your people! As someone who had a fan account, I can safely say that every fandom exists on Twitter. If you have no one to talk about your book to, head on to Instagram and search using a hashtag that has the title of the fandom/book you’re looking for (ex. #ADarkerShadeofMagic). You’re sure to find some people to talk to and discuss your favorite books! I made countless lifelong friendships from sharing my love for my fandoms online. Who knows: your bookish bestie might be waiting for you! 

5. Join a book club or buddy-read. 

While book clubs used to be pretty hard to find, there are now tons of read-alongs all over the internet. If you’re looking to read a book and watch some live discussions, head on over to the Booksplosion Youtube channel or the Bookmarked Book Club. Here, booktubers pick a book of the month, then plan a live show for their viewers and themselves to discuss!

You can also check your local Barnes & Noble store to see if they’re hosting a discussion or you can plan to read a book with a friend! 


I hope these tips help you get the best out of your reading experience, and minimize the effects of book hangover! Now, what are you waiting for? Get to reading! 

Wende Hurtuk

Wende Hurtuk is a nineteen year old English major and writer who’s been creating worlds and stories for as long as she can remember. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading or spinning some of her favorite records. She actively reviews novels on her Goodreads page and on her Instagram.

Published by
Wende Hurtuk

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