
The Most Challenging Part of the Writing Process, According to Authors

[Note from Frolic: We are excited to bring you this latest spotlight on the authors writing in the K. Bromberg universes. You acn check out their great titles and more at]

To celebrate the September releases of titles in the K. Bromberg universes, we asked authors to share what they’re looking forward to this fall as well as what they find the hardest part of the writing process. Here are their answers!

Author Emma Louise shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “My office is in the attic of my house and the sound of rain on the roof windows is so relaxing. That and cozy blankets.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “The beginning. My thought process for story usually starts with the plot twist or the point of conflict that comes towards the end. The hard part is working out how my characters will get there.”

Author Candice Wright shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Halloween!”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “Trying to find a quiet space in my chaotic house.”

Author Leaona Luxx shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Gahh!! Everything!! Fall isn’t just season with my family, it’s a lifestyle. From the changing of the leaves to our own HalloWedding, fall is something we all enjoy. For me, it marks the end of things and promises with it a change in the world around me. Like, the release of Torqued marks a change for me and hopefully a new start in writing.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “The past 18 months have been the hardest with so many issues professionally and the world around me. Still, even through growth, marketing is the toughest for me. The book world is filled with amazing talent, and writing in KBromberg’s TDW is an opportunity of a lifetime!”

Author Emma Nichole shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall:  “I’m looking forward to the cooler weather! It’s very hot and humid here in Tennessee so the cool weather is needed.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her:  “All of the self doubt that comes with it. It’s hard not to look at what I’m writing and think no one will want to read it. It’s very difficult to push through that mindset sometimes.”

Author Jas T. Ward shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Living in Central Texas, Fall is basically weak summer with less than triple digit heat. We don’t have the pleasant changing seasons with pretty leaves and cooler temperatures like other regions. However, our nights dip into the sixties and that means nice evenings and morning. I love to BBQ on the patio or spend time on the back porch with the dogs before or after the heat of the day. I am looking forward to that. Hopefully, in this strange normal we have, the holidays will allow some time with family as well. With fall bring the promise of winter and that is my favorite season.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “Starting! I get so excited about the idea and premise. I get giddy with the scenes and chapter plans. Imagine the action and transitions. But then I park my butt in the chair and nothing. It’s ridiculous and aggravating! It really shouldn’t be but it is every dang time. I will outline–same issue. Pantser that sucker on the fly. Nope. No different. Sit me down in front of the keyboard or paper with a pen and nothing happens. I get hit with a huge bout of anxiety, break out in a sweat and doubt my talent, ability to spell, how words are made and if I can even form a thought. Become a ugly crying, blubbering mess. I guess it’s like anything right? Once we take that first step and not land on our face, we know we can do it.”

Author J.D. Hollyfield shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall:  “Cozy sweaters and tall boots. Family dinners out on the back patio. Pumpkin patches with my kids.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “Concentration. Life is insanely busy for me. Crazy kids, barking dogs, hungry husband. It’s hard to sit down and get a peaceful moment when I can let my creative side do it’s thing and not be interrupted because a kid set the dog on fire. (kidding about the dog… maybe…)”

Author AJ Alexander shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Pumpkin Spice! I have count down to the day pumpkin spice is available in the stores and Starbucks. Luckily for me it’s usually the same weekend as my birthday.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her:  “The ending. I always have an idea of how I want the story to go, but since I’m not a plotter, it never turns out how I imagined. Sometimes it’s frustrating and I have difficulty letting the story run into own course, instead of forcing it to go in the direction I planned.”

Author Anjelica Grace shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Oh man, I am a summer loving girl to the core; so, change of season here in Colorado is usually not my favorite. I hate cold, and the inevitable snow we will start to get. BUT this year, with Covid and the craziness of life, I’m looking forward to hoodies, not feeling like I’m missing out on summer fun, reading all the books, and hopefully some great news on the family health front. On top of those things, I’m looking forward to being settled with my new (not book world) job so I can really start focusing my spare time on writing again. I’ve got so many stories waiting to pour out of me, and knowing I’ll be able to have afternoons and weekends in, with hot coffee in hand and good music playing while I write will be so wonderful!”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her:  “I touched on this a little with my last answer, but time to write, and then motivation are definitely the most challenging. I have so many ideas, characters talking, stories to tell but finding the time around outside life: work, family, school, trying not to be a hermit, it can be hard to make time to sit and write, but to also feel motivated after a long day or week to actually do so.

Beyond that, writing usually comes pretty easily for me once I get started, and if I find a steady rhythm, it comes quickly. At times, though, I struggle with writing sexy times. I’ve had one scene literally take me a week to get through. They can definitely trip me up and halt my progress and process.”

Author Misty Walker shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “NOTHING! I’m summer girl, through and through. The arrival of fall just means cold weather is on the way and I’m going to freeze my bum off for the next 7 months. And don’t come at me, but I hate pumpkin everything. So there’s that.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “For me, the writing process isn’t the challenging part of being an indie author. I love it. I love bringing my characters to life and building a world. What I struggle with is everything else that comes along with it. Marketing, ads management, keeping up with social media, etc. I feel like I’m never good enough in those areas.”

Author Mignon Mykel shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Honestly… Nothing! I love summer. Bring on the heat, baby! (Humidity, no; heat, yes).”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “The thing I struggle with the most is the discipline. If I don’t put an internet blocker on, I will get lost in all the things…all the things that AREN’T my current work-in-progress!”

Author Kim Loraine shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “Cozy cardigan sweaters are my favorite. I love that the air is cooler but it’s not cold yet, and I can snuggle up while still being outside in my backyard with fire going and a glass of wine.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “For me, it’s usually the first few chapters of a book because that’s when I’m still figuring out my characters and their voices. My author friends regularly get panic messages from me and they let me bounce ideas off of them until it all comes together. If I don’t know who my character is, I can’t write their story.”

Author Julia Wolf Shares…

What she’s looking forward to about fall: “My favorite part of fall is being able to take my laptop outside to write. I love when it’s a little chilly. I bundle up under a blanket and type away. This fall is going to look a little different with my kids at home online learning, but maybe we’ll all take our laptops outside and do our work in the crisp, fresh air.”

The most challenging part of the writing process for her: “My challenges vary from book to book. Sometimes the middle is the killer, other times I fly right through. Sex scenes can trip me up because there are only so many words for parts and positions I can put my characters in, but when that happens, I focus on the emotion in the scene rather than the mechanics.”

Don’t forget to check out books by these authors and more at!

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  • I really enjoyed this post. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one struggling with some of these things. More posts like this, please. I love to look behind the curtain. :)

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