Love YA: Fantasy, Romance and Curses…OH MY!

Love Y.A.

From fantasy to romance, this week’s young adult releases will surely find a place on your bookshelf!

Don’t forget to tag us in your tweets and Instagram bookish posts to let us know what other releases you are most looking forward to. Happy reading!

Ship of Smoke and Steel by Django Wexler

In this fantasy debut, in the lower wards of Kahnzoka, the great port city of the Blessed Empire, eighteen-year-old ward boss Isoka comes to collect when there’s money being owed.

When her ability to access the Well of Combat is discovered by the Empire, an ability she should have declared and placed at His Imperial Majesty’s service, she’s sent on an impossible mission: steal Soliton, a legendary ghost ship, a ship from which no one has ever returned. If she fails, her sister’s life is forfeit.

Full of suspense and danger, this book is perfect for fans of high fantasy novels.

Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye

In this novel full of romance and intrigue, Sora can move as silently as a ghost and hurl throwing stars with lethal accuracy. Her gemina, Daemon, can win any physical fight blindfolded and with an arm tied around his back. They are apprentice warriors of the Society of Taigas, marked by the gods to be trained in magic and the fighting arts to protect the kingdom of Kichona.

As their graduation approaches, Sora and Daemon look forward to proving themselves worthy of belonging in the elite group, but in a kingdom free of violence since the Blood Rift Rebellion many years ago, it’s been difficult to make their mark.

So when Sora and Daemon encounter a strange camp of mysterious soldiers while on a standard scouting mission, they decide the only thing to do to help their kingdom is to infiltrate the group. Taking this risk will change Sora’s life forever, and lead her on a mission of deception that may fool everyone she’s ever loved.

Make sure to pick up this novel and be prepared to love it!

Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry

Jesse Lachlin is cursed.  So the town folklore says, but while Jesse’s had his fair share of tragedy, the only curse he believes is in his grandmother’s will: in order to inherit his family farm he must win the approval of his childhood best friend, the girl he froze out his freshman year, Scarlett Copeland.

Scarlett Copeland is psychic. Glory Gardner tells Scarlett she has hidden psychic abilities, but Scarlett thinks Glory is delusional. What is real is Scarlett’s father’s irrational fears, controlling attitude, and the dark secrets at home. Scarlett may have a way to escape, but there’s a hitch: she’ll have to rely on the one person she used to trust, the same boy who broke her heart, Jesse Lachlin.

Each midnight meeting pushes Jesse and Scarlett to confront their secrets and their feelings for each other. But as love blooms, the curse rears its ugly head.

Enjoy this romance full of unique twists and turns and add it to your TBR. 

What fun YA reads are you looking forward to and what are some of your favorite young adult books? Let us know on Twitter or IG (@onfrolic) for a chance to have them featured in #LoveYA!

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Maureen Johnson

5 Questions With: Maureen Johnson, Author of THE VANISHING STAIR

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